Letting My Husband Be the Hero

  1. Lisa says:

    Nancy, I could have written this exact story, although we celebrated our 5th anniversary 16 years ago. Never forget …to surrender is to love. God Bless You. Lisa

  2. Beautifully and humbly said! We are blessed women to have faithful, hard working spouses!

  3. Nell says:

    How touching and beautiful!

  4. LuAnn Braley says:

    What a lovely post to celebrate your anniversary!

    My husband and I have been together for 20 years now, married for 18. When we had been married for five years, we had two young sons (and unbeknownst to us at the time) would have a preemie daughter within the year. My mother grew up the child of an alcoholic and thus felt the need to control anything she possibly could during her life. She passed that on to me. (Probably why we butted heads so much! *lol*) So it was quite the experience for me adjusting to letting my husband assume his role as head of the household. I think I’m one of the few people close to him in his life that have believed in him and stuck with him “for better or for worse” – and he has taken on the role wonderfully. He’s not ready for sainthood yet, but then neither am I.

    Congratulations to you both on your wedding anniversary!

    • I love this! My husband and I aren’t (quite) ready for sainthood yet either. It’s is something I work at each and every day, letting go of control. And some days I feel like I am starting back at zero. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I’ll take all I can get!

  5. Marcee ... ILLINOIS says:

    Yes Nancy, marriage & babies are very, very difficult and hard work. It’s definitely a life-long journey into the many years of self-discovery. My niece has been married 5 years. I look in wonderment how she does it all with her 2 toddlers, plus day care work. Next week a care giver for 3 toddlers & her 2 year old. Oldest is in school all day. Thankfully! Niece has been involved with helping out other moms from the get-go. It agrees with her, and the financial benefits will someday get them a new home. You do need nerves of steel. I worry about her not eating enough, etc. Not sure I could do a job like that these days. In the “olden days” I had my share of babies!! Ha. Yes. We usually all do at some point in our lives. Keep enjoying your family Nancy. Be thankful for good health all around, also kudos to your great “hero” hubby! : )) Those are the best kind!! P.S. Our kiddos can also be our heros!

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