
You are Officially a Stay At Home Mom When…

  1. Sabra Casey says:

    Love this! All true! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Layne says:

    I needed this today- found this while escaping to my tub on Pinterest! ? I have been home from said 10-year career job as a full time mom. And I prolly hit 9/10 on this. I too blog, have a crafts shop and still feel the crazy! Thanks for posting!!! Just what I needed to feel like I’m not the only one.

  3. Taylor says:

    You hit the nail on the head! I just said omg yes to every point made! You just made my day. Thank you for writing and posting this.

  4. Jennifer says:

    I totally agree. I hav been an at home mommy for just about 15 years, my fourth and final child is now 3. I love the part where you mentioned about being more than just a mom, which I feel like ALOT! Always on my feet or running somewhere,last to eat last to sleep! Great posting!?

  5. Vicky Wilson says:

    Nancy, I love you and your sense of humor!!! And to those trim, khaki dressed young moms with their shiny locks tied up in pert ponytails at 7 am as they sip their starbucks out of manicured hands, I say FORGET THEM! They aren’t trench moms – they are poster girls.

    I am 61 and looking at an empty nest in about 6 months, after being a stay at home mom of 5 for the past 32 years. I loved your post – it brings back frustration, love, joy, exasperation and exhaustion. I know you’ve heard it a million times from people like me: this won’t last forever. Unfortunately, dear, young mommies, we oldies happen to be right. So FORGET THE CLEAN HOUSE. FORGET THE PERFECT MEALS AND THE SHINY HAIR AND even the trim, idealistic bs workout images you see. Just enjoy those rugrats while you have them. If your husbands fail to “get it,” I suggest a nice, long weekend away with your girlfriends (or go see your mom!) and let him have a taste.

    I admire each and every one of you. It’s true – without us hardworking, loving, unselfish women, the future generations would be in poor shape, indeed. So congratulate yourselves each and every evening that you survived another day (and so did your little monsters – I mean, darlings).

  6. Becky says:

    I LOVE THIS. So well said! And so nice to laugh after a long day.

  7. Raych says:

    I loved this post so So much. i died! i have the nice yoga pants too and dang if having to put “on” pants is kind of a compliment in my book, like “hey look I’m dressing up for you”
    I remember crying hard the day my 1st stopped taking naps. :^(

  8. Spring says:

    I totally agree on all of them! So nice to see someone that thinks and goes thtough what I do! Only difference I am dealing with a 5 month old and a teenager!!

  9. Nancy says:

    Well done!
    I went to visit my Aunt Josie, who was hospitalized, shortly after having our first baby girl. She said “how’s that baby?”
    I answered “so much work! why didn’t anyone ever tell me how much work one baby is?”
    She replied “you wouldn’t have believed it”
    Amen, Aunt Josie and all of the other aunts, moms and supporting females who have been down the road.

  10. […] grande soddisfazione e divertimento -oltre che estrema identificazione…! -questo bellissimo post che è una specie di manifesto sulle mamme casalinghe e…sono incappata in questa perla: […]

  11. Hayley says:

    I completely agree! I feel this way each and every day! Thank you so much for this blog because I finally feel like someone else has been there!

  12. Hailee says:

    These are all Soooo true, although I avoid other adult interaction because of the greasy hair, comfy pants and 3 day old mascara. Haha. The ladies in my neighborhood must be better Mom’s than me cuz they always look dresses to the 9s playing out with their kids. I need to show this list to my husband, maybe he’ll understand I’m not the only one. Thanks for the laughs and knowing I’m not alone! This was great

  13. Emily Reiter says:

    You can get past the overwhelming urge to punch in the face every person who says “you got yr hands full!” Even the one who says it when you literally have your hands full of the third child to be placed in the shopping cart as you wonder just where will your groceries go. If you can get past the urge to punch and just smile or say, “full of love!” Then bravo to you. I’m only up to the point of going, “heh” and halfway mentally cursing them and praying for strength at the same time.

    For the Cathlic SAHM’s, you hear about Holiness for Housewives so many times you finally bought it…wasn’t until my fourth year of motherhood, after three kids were born, that I finally got it.

  14. Nell says:


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