
First of all, I pray that your Lent is off to a beautiful and Holy start! To be completely honest, I have been CRAVING Lent. My life has just started to feel a little too noisy and busy and I am glad the Church is wise enough to give us a season to get back […]

Catholic, Faith, Lent, Podcast

February 14, 2018

J1ST 031: Anger

I have been talking about the Rosary a lot around here lately. About my Marian experience, reasons everyone should be praying the Rosary daily and ways to make time to pray the Rosary. Hundreds of people have responded and purchased the Rosary Booklet or shared their love for the Rosary with me. It has been incredible and […]

Catholic, Faith, Rosary

February 11, 2018

The Rosary: The Prayer of Sinners

Our lives are far too full. There are never enough hours in the day and we rarely get through everything on our endless to-do lists. How, we often wonder, could we possibly fit in something else? How could I possibly find time to pray the Rosary each and every day? I simply don’t have the […]

Catholic, Faith, Rosary

February 9, 2018

10 Ideas to Help You Find Time to Pray the Rosary

Our greatest spiritual fathers and mothers were devoted to the Rosary. JPll, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Mother Teresa, Padre Pio, St. Therese, and so many more. But why? What is so important about this string of beads and prayers? As Our Blessed Mother said to Blessed Alan de la Roche, “When you say your Rosary, the angels […]

Catholic, Faith, Rosary

February 8, 2018

Why Should You Pray the Rosary Daily