
December 31st was the feast of the Holy Family. I love this feast day, and to celebrate I posted a picture of my own family on my Facebook page. The picture was one we took just 4 days before our little Max, whom I had carried in my womb for 20 weeks, flew to heaven, […]

Catholic, marriage, Motherhood, Podcast

January 10, 2018

J1ST 026: On Being Holy, Catholic Families

First of all, Happy New Year, and Feast of Mary, Mother of God! I love New Year and an opportunity for a fresh start. A chance to evaluate the previous year and look ahead to the year on the way. Because of this, I’m really into goals. Are you? I have given a lot of thought […]

Faith, Motherhood, Podcast

January 3, 2018

J1ST 025: 2018 Goals (for me and you!)

Hey friends! I have a beautiful, challenging, and inspiring new podcast episode to share with you today. Stephanie, a wonderful podcast listener, emailed me with a RADICAL idea for a podcast episode: Praying the Rosary with your Husband. Daily. My husband and I are definitely not getting in a rosary together each and every day right […]

Catholic, Faith, Motherhood

December 20, 2017

J1ST 024: Praying the Rosary with your Husband

Today’s episode is all about gratitude.  Yes, gratitude, even though we are now on the other side of Thanksgiving. I had originally recorded an episode on gratitude shortly before thanksgiving…but I forgot to save it and the episode was lost.  You’d think I’d know better by now.  Nope!  I thought perhaps it might not be […]

Catholic, Faith, Podcast

December 13, 2017

J1ST 023: On Gratitude