
Over the course of my blogging career, I’ve created a lot of things. Patterns, printables, templates–but I am, by far, the proudest of the Rosary Quiet Book I created.   And here’s why.   Several months ago we started using the Rosary Quiet Books I made for my children each night before bedtime.   We […]

Catholic, Faith, kids crafts

January 17, 2016

Printable Rosary Quiet Book

Take this month to honor Mary!   Get this FREE eBook packed with a month’s worth of crafts, patterns, and coloring pages for Mom and child that all celebrate the beautiful Mother of God.   It’s totally free.  Just sign up and it will be delivered directly to your inbox! You can find the materials […]

Adult Projects, Faith, kids crafts

December 17, 2015

A Month of Small Things for Mary–FREE eBOOK!

As a mom of soon be 4 kids 5 and under I know a thing or two about toys. I know that toys can be a lifesaver.   Nearly every afternoon Gus spends an hour at his Lego table happily playing in silence. While Bernadette and Dominic nap and I pray/do the dishes/clean/blog.   And that […]


December 16, 2015

Why I Let People Buy My Kids Obnoxious Toys For Christmas

In college, I wrote out a Bible verse in calligraphy and mailed it to a friend attending a college on the other side of the country.   Since she was Muslim, I was shocked when I came to visit 6 months later and found it hanging on her dorm wall, right above her bed.   […]


December 4, 2015

Responding with Generosity