Photo Transfer Pillow

  1. […] create a Photo Transfer Pillow using a vintage photo of dad – Do Small Things With […]

  2. […] Transfer onto WOOD Photo Transfer PILLOW Photo Transfer Lenten PRAYER BAG Filed Under: Family, photo transfer, popular, […]

  3. […] Steps:1:  Coat the piece of wood with transfer gel. 2. place photo-copied picture face-down into the gel.  Press down and make sure that all air bubble are out.  Allow to dry for several hours. 3. Once gel is completely dry, place a wet wash cloth over the paper and allow it to soak through.  Then, using the pads of your fingers, start rubbing off the paper.  And keep rubbing!  It takes a while to get all the paper off.  In the end I used a toothbrush to get the last scraps of paper off. 4.  Finally when all the paper is removed, seal with modge podge and embellish as you choose. Easy, right?!? And now, more importantly, a word or two about my parents.  The fact that they have endured each other for 34 years alone stands as a testament to their relationship.  But, beyond that, what I have always known about my parents is that they live their relationship out in the open.  They love, fight, pray, laugh and struggle out loud.  As a kid I never doubted that my parents passionately cared about each other…and that sometimes it was hard to be around the other person.  What they presented to us growing up was a very real image of what marriage is.     Now that I am married I am very thankful for that example.  Marriage is fun…but it is also a struggle, especially when you start throwing in kids and job-stress and all the other things we deal with as adults.  Most importantly, my parents taught through example that it is okay to fight, as along as there is forgiveness and comprise at the end of each fight.  That is how they have lived their lives together, and how they continue to live today.  I truly have had a wonderful example.  Thanks mom and dad! My parents this summer with all of their grandchildren Also, my mom had a blog she is very devoted to: Family Soul Story. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week, Nancy   PS–Check out these other photo transfer projects: Photo Transfer Pillow […]

  4. […] one of my favorite, favorite things.  I have done image transfer many times, onto wood, canvas and fabric, but this is the first time I attempted to do it onto glass.  I love how this project turned out, […]

  5. Thanks for linking up to Whimsy Wednesday! Your project has been featured this week on my blog!

    Also, you can add your project {or any project} to my website. I feature them on my main slider on the home page…follow this link to submit your project!

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  6. Virginia Megin Gallagher says:

    Great project, Nancy! I love this!
    I’m visiting you today from Sugar Bee. I co-host a Linky Party Tuesday (open thru Sat) and I’d love for you to link up! I hope you get a chance to stop by, link up and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Join me each Tuesday for Brag About It Link Up Party

  7. Jenna LaFevor says:

    SO cool!! Had no idea you could do this! Thanks for sharing! That is a great photo!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  8. Tara @ Suburble says:

    That is so crazy awesome! I don’t know anything about transfer medium – but I think I’m going to have to learn!

  9. Krista Low says:

    I love this cute pillow! I keep toying with different ideas for photo transfers. I tried doing it to fabric twice but it washed off… I love the idea of a pillow because it won’t be washed frequently! Love it 🙂 Krista @ A Handful of Everything

  10. Bethany says:

    You are so crafty, miss!

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