The Power of Writing It Down

  1. darci says:

    Where can I purchase this please please

  2. Wendy Jackson says:

    Tabs would be helpful if they’re not already there. Looking forward to this!

  3. Annette says:

    can’t wait for the details and opportunity to see the final product. Where can I find it first?

  4. Annette says:

    When do we get the order info – eagerly awaiting the details of what is coming – I know, my husband already said just wait a couple days.l

  5. KIMBERLY says:

    I would love if there was just a Christian option. I LOVE planners but would be bummed if most of my planner went to waste simply because I’m not Catholic.

    If not, I totes understand. It’s still going to be beautiful and bless many many lives!!!

  6. Emily says:

    You mentioned scheduling earlier. It would be really nice either to have a laminated Morning Routine page (so we could use a wet or dry erase marker) maybe on the inside front or back cover, or to have a little section of the weekly page dedicated to this season’s permutation of the morning routine. Or some other way I haven’t thought of, lol.

  7. Susie says:

    18 month Calendar as Monthly layouts (Which I will want tabbed) then 12 Month everything else

    Monthly page(s): insert behind each Month:
    Projects & Plans: Projects, Events, Shopping & Deals, Chores, Giving or Receiving: Gifts & Thanks (gifts/cards/calls/emails)
    Meal planning? month at a time
    Treasure Hunting: List of items on wish list new or used. Measurements of rooms or walls and measurements of family for clothes/shoes, list of collections, likes and loves…
    I Do/Honey Dos –
    Prayers & Praises-
    Personal Fitness Monthly goals: Steps, Activities, Water, nutrition, supplements (maybe water counter on daily)
    Plus A Monthly Time Page with 6 sections: Faith Time, Couple Time, Family Time, Friend Time, Community Time, Me Time

    Reoccurring Reminders: Year page With Month box headers: Vehicle Maintenance, House Maintenance, Subscriptions and Protection plans, Tech Backups, etc
    Borrowed/Loaned page
    I Owe You Page-
    Receipts- perhaps just page with amounts and noted location for all receipts
    MEDICAL: place to add dates and short note: Last Doctor Physicals, Dental Apts, Eye apt, New Medicine/treatment started

    Mommy’s Memories–
    Homeschool pages- Day Schedule Fall and Spring with blank time rows down left side (let Mom make as many ‘kid name’ columns as needed),
    Each Child year overview page: curriculum for each subject, goals, skills, projects, books & media
    Shopping Page, Including Loaned and Borrowed
    Clubs, Co-ops, Teams and Activities: Pages for contacts and schedules.
    Teacher Notes: page to say where my other planning pages are located

  8. Jessica says:

    Love this!!!

  9. Geri says:

    This sounds like quite the project! Having a planner with ALL the Catholic feast days would be very helpful to me. I might also like a gratitude journal page. I also need a page for all the phone numbers that we have forgotten because they are saved on our phones. I can’t wait to see the final product! Thanks.

  10. angela says:

    I really like the idea of writting a sentence or two from the Daily readings could you have a space to that each day?

  11. Jennie says:

    Meal planning and grocery list please!! Also a page for the list for “other” stores. Thanks for any help with the budget!

  12. Patricia says:

    I can’t wait to see your planner!

  13. Mary says:

    Other topics in my planner: medical information, quotes, notes (like how much and when I pay insurance, property taxes, etc), memories, food, important things about my car (maintenance I’ve done or need to do) and house (changed the batteries in smoke detector, purchased an appliance, and next time I need to pay the HOA), ideas, travel notes, friends, things I’m grateful for, prayer, books to read, important addresses, birthdays, etc. Some of these sections are just a page or two while I dedicate a few pages to other topics. Memories and gratitude are just short words or phrases of special moments, not a diary. Obviously, everyone has different needs so maybe some sections could be personalized by the owner.

  14. Erika says:

    Someone already mentioned it but I’d love a traditional calendar option for feast days and readings!! We are a Traditional Latin Mass family and it’s so hard to find resources that have the 1962 missal readings and feasts! I’d be forever in your debt!!

    Also, weekly meal planning section and a grocery/shopping list would be great!

    And a place for addresses/numbers and birthdays/baptismal days/anniversaries in the front or back somewhere.

  15. Sarah says:

    I think we are list making soul sisters. I’m right there with you and I NEED one of these! I left my email below and I will definitely buy one when they go to production.

  16. Ann-Marie says:

    A gratitude page would be great. Just a page labeled that and with numbers and places to record it. I always mean to do this, but it doesn’t happen. If the s a dedicated page, I know it will.

    Also, maybe a “things they said/did” page. You know, for those hilarious one lines they come up with you don’t want to forget.

    May I throw out a suggestion, also? Perhaps have some just one sided pages, or purposefully blank pages for people to put in what they need. I always print out our friends and family address document and tape it into my planner. That way it’s easy to find them when I need them. I’m not going to hand write them into a page, but I will print and tape.

    And perhaps a family mission statement page?

    I’m excited about this. I was planning on ordering another planner, but after hearing about yours, I’m going to wait for it. Is it going to be spiral bound? And I LOVE the idea of having adult coloring pages in there! Genius!

    • Blank pages–yes. I am going to go back and add some more of those. I also need more space for all of my lists! I have a lot of this in there already, thank you for confirming it is wanted!!!

  17. Kristin M says:

    I am so excited about this! I think your ideas are terrific! It sounds so comprehensive, and yet wonderfully simple to have everything in one place 🙂
    Small thing, but could you include a record for car maintenance (oil changes, tire rotations, etc)? It’s one of those things that we keep meaning to keep track better than we actually do…
    And maybe a party planning and/or holiday dinner planning page? Or a play date/kid-friendly activities brainstorming page? Kind of a family “bucket list” for the year?
    I really cannot wait to see the finished product!

  18. Emily says:

    Hi Nancy, I just saw you moved really close to me!! Small world! So I’ve been searching for a prayer journal AND planner options for 2 weeks now! I’m so excited to see yours!! I’d love to chat via email! I have some ideas/questions to ask about your planner. 🙂 shoot me an email! 🙂

  19. Laura says:

    I am so excited about your book! MIght there be a page geared toward marriage? Date ideas? Prayers for our husband? Not sure what exactly…

  20. Emily says:

    The planner looks like it will be amazing! The only thing other things I could think of would be both the new and old calendar feast days and readings (or the option to choose one or the other). And maybe somewhere dedicated to lesson planning for homeschooling moms (or maybe just an add-on option)…

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