Spring Bunny Cross Stitch Pattern

  1. Cre8iveSkill says:

    Nancy, we can’t thank you enough for sharing your fantastic spring bunny cross-stitch pattern! We are particularly stunned by the concept of incorporating a cross-stitched bunny as a decorative piece on your family’s Easter tree. It’s a creative and personalized approach to celebrating the holiday, and I’m confident your bunny will become a treasured family heirloom over time.
    We are damn sure that your readers will be inspired to pick up a needle and thread and create their own beautiful cross-stitch projects.

  2. Shane Madie says:

    Cross Stitch vs Digital Embroidery 2020 is a new war between the types of Embroidery. Digit-it clarifies it in their blog.

  3. Melissa says:

    I LOVE this! I have to make it for my mom, she loves rabbits and her favorite color is yellow. Great pattern, thank you for sharing!

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