J1ST 003: Starting a Movement

  1. Denisse says:

    Thanks for letting the Holy Spirit into your heart, and be the instrument that many of us (catholic wifes/mothers) need to read ir hear.

    Sorry for my english, sometimes I get rusty on the writing.

    Blessings from Monterrey, México

  2. Nancie Brown says:

    From one Nancie to another Nancy — sending love. Many things you said resonated with me. Btw, I’ve been married 30 years to an English teacher. My “kids” are 27 and 20.
    I love the idea of a planner! I have a small one from our Diocese and one thing I really love about it is that on the front it has a spot for a small pen (it’s purse size). Nothing like having a planner and no pen!

    • I agree about the pen!! Yay, I love meeting other Nancies! Give your husband a hug for me. Besides being a parent, he has the hardest job there is (especially when those essays start to pile up!)

  3. Karen Mc says:

    Bless you! The Spirit is definitely speaking through you and not just in little ways! Your words have echoed my Lenten study of Fr. Gaitley’s Consoling the Heart of Jesus and 33 Days to Morning Glory. Your idea really resonates with me as I transition to the second half of my life with 20-year-old twins preparing to leave home, the unexpected blessing of a second marriage only two years old after the deaths of both of our previous spouses, and a new part-time vocation with preschoolers after reitiring from public school teaching. I have been longing for this “smallness that leads to greatness” and am excited about your movement which will support my growth in faith! Thank you for taking the risk to share!

    • How amazing that this applies to your life as well, when during times of transitions and different phases. And, I love Fr. Gaitley! I am working on the 33 days to Merciful Love right now. CHANGING MY LIFE!!! Blessings!

  4. Jessica says:

    I love this! Thank you!

  5. Karen D says:

    I love this idea! So much of what you said resonates. I have been on this motherhood journey longer but I am feeling pretty behind. I struggle so much with resentment! I could go on and on, but I’ll end with, thank you! Thank you for sharing your ideas, your movement, I really need this in my life right now!

  6. Hannah says:

    Love this! The idea of coming to terms with who we are and being able to appreciate that more fully. The fact that the very things that limit us are also the things that give us the greatest potential is so freeing. Our jobs and our financial status mean that there are a lot of things we may never be able to do, but it gives so much more focus to what we must do, so that we can do it more excellently. That when we come to accept our humble corner of the world, we can discover the beauty of it and make it more beautiful and beloved.

  7. Lauren Phillips says:

    Just listened to your podcast… Yes! Yes! Yes! All so beautiful and I will be passing along to my fellow Catholic mamas who spend their day doing small (great) things. Looking forward to joining in the movement!

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