You’re in! Let’s become CONFIDENT Catholic Parents!
Thank you for registering for the Confident Catholic Parent Workshop hosted by Nancy from Catholic Sprouts. I am looking forward to meeting you!
See you Tuesday, August 13th at 7pm CST!
At the Confident Catholic Parent Workshop, We Will:
- 🧭 Explore why it is so HARD to share the Catholic Faith with our kids (and why most efforts to share the Catholic Faith fail)
- 🥘 Learn the research-based RECIPE for raising Catholic kids. Just three ingredients–and it works!
- 💡 Discover tools ANY Catholic Parent can use to share the Catholic Faith with their kids successfully.
Let’s do this!
To make sure you have the best shot at becoming a CONFIDENT CATHOLIC PARENT, do the following three things:
- Add the Confident Catholic Parent Workshop to your calendar. Just click HERE and it will be added automatically!
- Prayerfully consider the spiritual needs of each of your children. What are the struggles and strengths of each child? Are they struggling with doubt…or in need of some good Catholic friends? Pray about this, think about this, and bring your questions with you to our workshop.
- Tell your spouse about this workshop. Faith is best taught by parents united in this work. Whether your spouse is Catholic or not, make sure they know you plan to attend this workshop. And, invite them to join you!
That’s it!
Looking forward to seeing you on August 13th!
In Christ Jesus,