The TRUE Luxury of a Stay-At-Home-Mother

  1. Tim says:

    Even as a man (but still a stay at home parent) I can soooooo relate to this!!! As a nurse, my wife works 12+ hour shifts. So on days she works, bathtime is still all me. BUT on days that she doesn’t work, I INSIST on doing the dishes. I was practically cheering you on as I read that.

    Great article! I’m sending it to other stay at home parents. 😊

  2. Debbie Sowards says:

    I love this post. I never really thought of being a stay at home mom as a luxury but I was always, like you, grateful for the opportunity to do so. I thanked my Heavenly Father every. single. night. when I said my prayers that I was the one home with my children. So many people would ask me what I did but so many more would say “how can you afford to do that?” Well, I never could come up with the answers quick enough when I was younger. But looking back, I never felt like we did without a single thing. My husband was a wonderful provider. But we also didn’t do so many things families did when both parents work. We didn’t eat out all the time, we didn’t put our children in the tub 30 minutes after picking them up from daycare and then off to bed, we didn’t dread the weekends because we couldn’t get away from them. So yes, we did without some things. The blessings we enjoyed by “doing without” were so much sweeter.

    • thank you for sharing this, Debbie. And, you are so right. That is a much more common question–how do you afford it, and so much harder to answer. It sounds like you and your husband built a beautiful life for your family–one I’m sure your kids are still benefiting from. Blessings!

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