26 FREE Catholic Coloring Pages

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I’d like to use these for our homeschool. Thank you

  2. Sharon Barmore says:

    I am having trouble seeing the images. The link does not work for me.

  3. Gretchen Pitkin says:

    YAY! I am in now and printing off these awesome sheets!

  4. Gretchen Pitkin says:

    I have signed up with 2 different emails because the first didn’t seem to work and now the second one did not work either. I have gotten nothing! I am hoping to use these as part of homeschooling my Kindergartener for the next 6 weeks!

  5. Sara says:

    Thank you for making these available!

  6. Janet Wilson says:

    So excited to see these. Cannot wait to use these in my PSR class.

  7. paroo sualy says:

    I would love to receive the 26 colouring pages by email .Thank You

  8. Katherine says:

    I’ve entered my email address multiple times and am not receiving a link to download the coloring pages. Please advise, thanks!

  9. Judy Andrepont says:

    Where’s the direct download link? I have been redirected to sign up again and have to be told I’m already signed up.

  10. Susan says:

    The links don’t work. All they do is take me to a page to subscribe to your list. I am already signed up. I filled it out anyway, and it still didn’t take me to the “instant download.”

    • I’m so sorry you are struggling. You do, unfortunately have to sign up again. Then, check your email for the password and a link to a page where you will be able to download the entire pack. I hope that helps–or maybe that you already have it!

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