Because a Miscarriage Really Does Change Everything

  1. […] Because Miscarriage Changes Everything: […]

  2. Kerri says:

    Loved this post, thank you for sharing. Losing a baby does forever change us. 🙁 I had three losses in the first three years of marriage (8 weeks, 22 weeks, and 10 weeks). It was so hard to trust and keep going, but we were eventually blessed with two more pregnancies and now have 8 year old twins and a 5 year old (almost 6). Prayers for your newest pregnancy, I hope all continues to go smoothly.

  3. Robin says:

    First time I’ve read your blog Nancy b/c a FB friend had liked it and it showed up on my news feed. Well said, well written, & spot on. Although I’m ahead of you a a few decades in the motherhood realm, an experienced miscarriage is forever planted in a mothers heart. I too experienced a child loss but at 12 weeks between my 2nd & 3 rd borns. My 3rd & 4th pregnancies were appreciated on a new level as you are experiencing, I completely related. Now I have four amazing children ages 25-16, God is good and looking back, He designed our family special just for us! Blessing ? To you & yours and enjoy every second, babies grow up fast!

    • Well hello! I am always so grateful to meet other mothers, especially those that have wisdom to share. I’m glad this rang true for you, and, although it is painful, it is a beautiful thing to think that I will always carry that baby with me.

  4. Anna says:

    Nancy, I just found your blog today via Pinterest, and have been reading through many of your posts, but this one truly spoke to me. First of all, congratulations! My husband and I were blessed with our first son very quickly and easily, with zero complications. We then went on to lose three little ones in a row, all to early miscarriages. We found ourselves pregnant again last May, and thanks be to God, we welcomed him into our arms almost two months ago. I will never forget our three little saints, and long to have more children – but gone are the days of worry-free pregnancies. I do try to give the worries to God and be joyful in each moment, but it can be so hard. I will be praying for you and your little one – God bless!

    • Your prayers mean so much, thank you! 3 losses in a row, wow, that is really tough. I will never understand why God does what he does, especially when it comes to fertility, but He has a beautiful plan. How joyful it will be to meet our little babies one day in heaven! Thanks for being here!

  5. jacqui says:

    yes, I just found your blog too. And loved this post. I also lost a baby at 16 weeks, and it did change me. and I totally understand the feeling of fear with the next pregnancy. we lost our Isabella in December 2011, and now have been blessed with 2 more after her. so thankful for them all! Pax

  6. Gunjan says:

    Hi Nancy, just came across your blog and could not stop myself from saying hello. Though we are complete strangers, I still felt your pain, being a mother. You have expressed yourself beautifully.
    Congratulations and best wishes.

  7. This is so beautifully written. I feel a little bit like you somehow crawled into my head and heart, and then wrote down my thoughts and feelings about this (in a much more eloquent way!). I too had my first three children very close together, getting pregnant and being pregnant so easily, and I think I had a bit of that complacent feeling about it too. I had my first loss in January 2013, and then many months of trying and being unable to get pregnant. I had my second loss in July 2014, and again have been unable to get pregnant again for many months. I am now pregnant again, about as far along as you, and due sometime in late May as well 🙂 I am thrilled and excited and so scared. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow, and I’m worried about what it will show. But no matter what, I’m still so grateful for the experience to be pregnant. Thanks for writing this wonderful post, and congratulations on your pregnancy!!

    • You have had quite the journey! For those of us who babies came quick and easy, things sure can change, huh? It has really made me stop complaining about all of the baby stuff and value it. Even when they come easy, they are still such a miracle.

      I will be praying hard for your ultrasound today! All will be well, momma! blessings!

  8. Emily says:


    I am so excited for you! As I have shared with you, after two pregnancy losses, my two littlest loves are so sweet and precious. Babies are so miraculous and a wonderful affirmation of one’s faith.

  9. This is so beautifully written. I’ve read so much on loss lately because of national infant loss week a few weeks back. Many posts have left me so worried and fearful. I am sitting here holding my perfect 6 month old in my arms (squirming, really bad!) and sometimes totally take for granted that I got pregnant on the first try and that she is here perfectly, without flaw. But it’s hard to know that I should be worried because I never had anything bad happen yet. But now it’s all I worry about since I love my daughter SO much. I could not imagine the heartbreak of miscarriage now that I know what a wonderful baby you get out of pregnancy!

    Congratulations for your baby. I applaud you for sharing early and sharing this on your blog. I’ll be praying for your family!

    • Thank you so much for your prayers and please, try not to worry. Our walk through fertility, from conception through raising our babies, is just one long lesson in letting go of control. We can’t control if we carry these babies to terms or not. They are a gift, even if we only get to keep them for a little while. (PS–I am writing all of this to myself as well. I worry, even though I know I should just trust!)

  10. Erica Saint says:

    This is such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart.
    As a mama who has had multiple miscarriages, I understand the pain of never getting to hold your child and the fear that comes with the next pregnancy.
    Please know that I am praying for you!

  11. Abbey @ Surviving Our Blessings says:

    It really does change everything. I struggled with anxiety and worry during my pregnancy after our loss. Now we have Felix, though, and it all turned out fine. I still often feel like I’m missing someone when I count heads. Prayers for you, your family, and your sweet newest one…early pregnancy with little ones to care for is always hard, but the worry makes it even tougher! You’re not alone. <3

  12. Rita says:

    Prayers for you and your little one! Powerful post…thank you for sharing.

  13. Christy says:

    Congratulations Nancy! Prayers for you and your sweet baby.

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