
Things have been extra crazy around here lately.   My little guy is full-on-speedy scooting (and into all sorts of trouble). My daughter is potty training and my 4-year-old has decided it is absolutely no fun to listen to mom. EVER. Some days being a mom in this house is nothing short of a marathon. I […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 14, 2015

When It Feels Like I Don’t Have Anything Left for My Husband

Things are getting a little bit out of control around here.   We have so many toys–and with another birthday looming on the horizon I just know it is going to get worse.   Although I plan on doing a major toy purge very soon, we also need to establish a better system of organization–or […]

kids crafts

June 12, 2015

31 Toy Organization Ideas

Every time we get pregnant my husband and I say to each other, “Maybe this time we should wait to tell people”. And then we blab to the very first person we see. Every time, including this recent pregnancy that we miscarried. It was no fun having to tell all of our friends and family […]


June 10, 2015

Why We Announce Our Pregnancies Right Away

**Quick Note**  My husband and I use this PRINTABLE AGENDA, which allows us to reconnect in a POWERFUL way.  Get it here: Last week we lost a baby through miscarriage. This would have been our 4th.   Every experience with miscarriage is different.   Mine is not nearly as traumatic as some, or most.   […]

marriage, Motherhood

June 7, 2015

Lessons From a Miscarriage