
About two weeks ago over 300 ladies graduated from The Catholic Wife Academy when the 4-week course ended. It is not an exaggeration to say that this pilot class changed my life and my marriage. It is a powerful thing to be surrounded by women. Most of whom I have never met, that are living […]

Catholic Wife Academy, marriage

October 1, 2017

Sex is at the Heart of Everything

Ladies, I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Thinking about what you need, what you want, what you think, and what you are. And by you, of course, I mean us. What do we as Catholic Wives need to be better wives? This question has been boiling inside of me for some time […]

Catholic Wife Academy, Faith, marriage

August 8, 2017

Catholic Wives, A Message to You.

Today’s episode goes out to all the married ladies out there with imperfect marriages…so all of us! Chief among them…me! The ideas behind today’s episode come from the months of research and prayer and soul-searching I have been doing to create the Catholic Wife’s Academy (which will be open for enrollment on August 8th).   […]

Catholic Wife Academy, marriage, Podcast

August 4, 2017

J1ST 013: Marriages: Need for Theology and Practical

It’s a terrible thing to throw up on a roller coaster.   Especially one of those new roller coasters with a tight harness that prevents you from turning and sending the vomit over the side.   Add in the twists and dives…and well, it’s a mess. But, nausea and wreckage of puke-covered clothes are far […]

Catholic, Catholic Wife Academy, marriage

July 16, 2017

Friendship, Marriage, and Roller Coasters