Hello!   Today I have a cross-stitch project to share with you, one that I actually stitched up a few years ago. I made these Cross Stitch Ornaments back in 2011 for my in-laws. To mark the first Christmas that they were grandparents.   You see, unlike on my side of the family, on my […]

Christmas, embroidery

December 10, 2013

Cross Stitched Ornaments

I’m back today to share another fun and hopefully inspiration roundup of both crafts and recipes, all inspired by a wonderful seasonal treat: candy canes!   I hope this list of 20 Candy Cane Crafts and Recipes gets you excited to get creative with candy canes. It definitely got my sweet tooth worked up!   […]


December 9, 2013

20 Candy Cane Crafts and Recipes

Today I am sharing my all-time favorite roundup with you. The 33 Nativity Crafts for Christmas! As my husband can tell you, I am obsessed, OBSESSED with nativities!   Around Christmas time I just keep buying them. And I already have one for each room.   We have play nativity sets, ethnic sets, crystals, ceramic, […]

Catholic, Christmas, kids crafts

November 29, 2013

33 Nativity Crafts for Christmas

I am excited to share today’s post with you because it combines 2 of my favorite things: Nativities and my crafty niece Mary. The project I’m sharing today, a Felt and Popsicle Stick Nativity Set, was entirely her creation, and I really love how it turned out.   As I have mentioned before, my niece […]

Catholic, Christmas, kids crafts

November 26, 2013

Felt and Popsicle Stick Nativity Set