Hello and welcome back! Here’s hoping that you had a JOYFUL Easter and that you are still celebrating in earnest!  After all, we are an EASTER PEOPLE. I thought we would kick off this Easter Season with a podcast I have been meaning to record and send out into the world for a while now: […]

Catholic, Easter, Faith, Motherhood, Podcast, Rosary

April 4, 2018

J1ST 038: Why Mary?

Hello there, friends! I hope your Lent has been wonderfully restful and fruitful. Mine, thus far, has fallen a little bit short of expectations, but that, of course, is 100% my doing. It is hard for me to embrace quiet, even though I REALLY need to! In these next weeks, and especially during Holy Week, […]

Catholic, Easter, Faith, faith projects, Family, kids crafts, Lent, Paper Crafts

March 11, 2018

Finger Puppets for Lent (FREE & PRINTABLE!)

One of the most enjoyable parts of blogging for me is being able to meet people with whom I have so much in common.  Yesterday’s post on the sickness of pregnancy certainly brought this into focus. But on a much more casual level, through the blog, I have met other cross-stitch lovers–and that is so fun. Cross […]

Adult Projects, Easter, embroidery

March 2, 2016

Free Alleluia Cross Stitch Pattern for Easter

Today’s project – A spring bunny cross stitch pattern! It is a simple pattern that I just love.   Isn’t this little bunny cute?  It’s a quick project (as far as cross stitch projects go) and has a folksy flare. Plus, I created a free pattern for this cross-stitch project.   So, it’s time to […]

Easter, embroidery

April 10, 2015

Spring Bunny Cross Stitch Pattern