
It has been a strange thing, announcing this 5th pregnancy. Of course, I’ve dealt with the shock of many, amazed that we would dare have a 5th.  But I expected this and dealt with my fair share of it when I announced number 4. Nope, the worst of it all I created for myself.  In […]

Catholic, Faith, Motherhood

November 17, 2017

Because being open to life means…being open to life

Hey there!  Stopping in today to share a little project with you that celebrates the beautiful liturgical seasons of our Church: Father Pine Liturgical Vestments.  The printable version of the vestments as well as detailed instructions for making the felt vestments are part of the Digital Library of Resources for Catholic Families. You can find […]

Faith, kids crafts

November 5, 2017

“Father Pine” Liturgical Activity

Housework is an unavoidable part of many of our days. It is something we dread and put off and force ourselves to just get through. But, housework can be much more than that. It is a call to an opportunity for Holiness. Although I struggle with this as well, I worked hard to research and pray […]

Catholic, Faith, Motherhood, Podcast

October 25, 2017

J1ST 020: The Holiness of Housework

Ladies, I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Thinking about what you need, what you want, what you think, and what you are. And by you, of course, I mean us. What do we as Catholic Wives need to be better wives? This question has been boiling inside of me for some time […]

Catholic Wife Academy, Faith, marriage

August 8, 2017

Catholic Wives, A Message to You.