Moving is the worst whether single, married, with kids or without.  No one likes moving–at least not sane people. It’s one of those things we all just live through and do when we have to.  My little family recently relocated from Minneapolis to Kansas City.  The weather here is amazing and the people we’ve met so […]


February 17, 2016

The Humbling Experience of Moving

Most of my Lenten resolutions fail–both miserably and quickly.  I have all of the excuses down and ready to use–we are moving, I’m pregnant, I’ve had a rough day with the kids… And before we are 2 steps into Lent I’m hiding out in the pantry cramming chocolate down my throat while the kids watch […]


February 7, 2016

25 Lenten Resolutions for the Mother and Wife

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I can’t help but revert to my former Pinterest-obsessed blogger self and create a few Free Valentine’s for you.   Well, okay, I made these mostly for myself. But I thought it would be fun to share them with you as well. Before I created these “Realistic Valentines” I […]

marriage, Motherhood

January 26, 2016

Realist Valentines For Your Husband

As a mom of soon be 4 kids 5 and under I know a thing or two about toys. I know that toys can be a lifesaver.   Nearly every afternoon Gus spends an hour at his Lego table happily playing in silence. While Bernadette and Dominic nap and I pray/do the dishes/clean/blog.   And that […]


December 16, 2015

Why I Let People Buy My Kids Obnoxious Toys For Christmas