Coloring Aida Cloth

  1. Becky B says:

    I wanted a light blue so my snowman would be easier to see to stitch and stand out more so I soaked the aida piece in water to which I had added several drops of blue food coloring. Worked great.

  2. Thanks for your help! That’s exactly what I need!

  3. Cynthia says:

    Hi I was wondering if you can wash the cloth later if it gets dirty.

  4. Mindy says:

    I love your dark blue Aida, would you happen to remember what color paint you used. Also, I noticed it looked a little mottled, how would you achieve that effect with using the paint. Thanks!!

  5. Eileen Vaught says:

    I love this idea. Just went to a cross stitch store and they wanted over 30.00 dollars for a regular piece of dyed cloth. I think you just saved me 30.00. So thank you for posting this. I’m sure going to give it a try.😊

  6. Justine says:

    I want to try this but I always wash my stitching when done. Can you wash the colored fabric?

  7. Jodi says:

    I just did the mailbox from a recent Country Living magazine, and it was done on beige/tan Aida. All I had was white, so I soaked the cloth in some strong tea and it came out a nice light beige. It’s going to be a Christmas ornament, so I’ll be sure to hang it away from the window side, in case it fades easily.

  8. Melanie Mills says:

    Smart. I was getting ready to dye some aida cloth myself (Rid) orange. Now I have a short cut. The acrylic paint is a heck of alot cheaper to than the normal dyes. Orange roll of aida was 30.00! I like your way MUCH better.
    Thank u

  9. Elaine says:

    To stop your Aida unravelling overlock the edges. Thanks for sharing your colouring tip:)

  10. Kathi says:

    I;ve dyed aida,14ct,with just acrylic paint,water and a little textile medium thrown in.I made mine quite thin,then just painted it with a foam brush or whatever you have around.One of the tricks is to use a good quality paint,ceramcoat,folkart acrylics,martha stewart.Stay away from Apple Barrel paints as they don’t have enough pigment in them.
    I’m a quilter and we painted our fabrics many times,i also am a tole painter.

    What ever way you do it,you must heat set it either by ironing it,or in the dryer.Be sure to protect your ironing board

  11. Kristine says:

    Awesome idea! I’ve thoughts of making bookmarks, but since I want different colours this is just great! But quick question, have you tried to colour both sides? Since the plan is to make bookmarks I would like for the Aida to be all covered in the same colour. Could I paint both sides at the same time and then wash or should I paint one at a time? The plan is to try this out myself but was curious to know if you might’ve already tried this out πŸ™‚

    • I haven’t tried it, but if you experiment with it, please let me know! When I did just one side, however, the paint did spread to the back quite a bit already. Happy Crafting!

      • Kristine says:

        I found that the fabric turned very stiff and not too great to work with. Not sure if it’s because of too much paint or because of paint on both sides. Does the fabric get hard when its painted on only one side as well?

  12. The Pack says:

    EXCELLENT! Just what I needed to know. Need DARK pink and spent HOURS looking and none to be found.
    Will definitely try this. By the way, does anybody have Maria Diaz’s baby girl announcement chart? It has a dress on a hanger with a border of flowers and room for name, weight, etc. PLUS the city where she was born at the bottom. I had to wait until she was born because we didn’t know if it was a girl or boy and now the chart’s gone. Seems I never can get Plan A for projects, which this would be. I’ve spent hours and hours looking at websites and cannot find it. Any help would be appreciated.

  13. Krista says:

    I want to try this with some of my fabric, but I like to draw grids on mine with a water soluble marker and then wash it off later. Would this would on these painted cloths, or no?

  14. Mary D says:

    I found this tip through Pinterest and marked it instantly. I’ve been stitching for about 17 years. And I’ve had trouble finding the right aida color to make my stockings stand out. I’m loving your ideal and don’t find it hard to understand you can use whatever paint color you want. Just use the medium and color choice, wala or that you can use whatever stitch gauge your use too. I even plan to try this on a navy 14 count to make it more usable to me. Not all of us that cross stitch can run to the store to pick up what’s needed. When you live on a fixed income or out of a major town, you get what you can and look for sales.
    Thank you very much for sharing this.

    • I’m so glad this was helpful! Happy Stitching!

    • Daisy says:

      Amen to that Mary’s. I’m on a fixed income also and have to be careful with every penny I spend. I have the paint and the 14 count Aida so I will be trying this. Haven’t used it cause I wanted a different color cloth. Thanks for sharing

  15. Kroeber says:

    This didn’t work for me at all, I used the same medium and everything πŸ™ I ended up with rubbery Aida
    and all the holes are clogged

  16. angie says:

    Thanks for sharing! Do you think I could add polka dots on top of the layer of paint? Or would the first layer prevent the second from absorbing properly? Thanks!

    • That’s a really cool idea. I *think* it would work, but I have never tried it. I might have too! If you do give it a try, let me know what your results are!

    • Gina says:

      Just bought the ingredients and I am very excited to try this. What exactly were your measurements? 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon, Or did you use more paint? I just want to make sure that I mix enough. thanks for your help and I cannot wait to see the outcome.

  17. Jenny says:

    Thank you so much!
    I see all these wonderful pattens on bright aida cloth, and was wondering how to get my hands on some!
    Now I can just make it! πŸ˜‰

    Thank you again, and happy Stitching!

  18. […] Also, you might have noticed that my aida cloth (the material used for cross stitch) is gold colored. Β I added this color to my aida cloth myself, and it was really easy. Β For the details on how to add any color to aida cloth, GO HERE. […]

  19. Lovely colours – I would mess things up if I were to try this. Luckily, there are many colourful aida available online nowadays… πŸ˜€ My favourites are the marbled effects.

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