
On Having a 3rd

  1. Susanna says:

    Yep, get those sort of questions all the time…. my husband gets the cruder versions. Love the ‘if TV is better, you’re not doing it right’ one!! We have 6 under 12, three boys and three girls (carefully planned, yeah right, if that was the case I wouldn’t have three within a week of my own birthday!!). What I struggle with is a polite but non-committal answer to the question ‘Are you pregnant?’ because these days I show really early and sometimes I’m not willing to talk about it. Anyone got any good comebacks?

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve got 6 kids age 8 and under. Whenever I go shopping with just a couple of the kids as I hear, “you’ve got your hands full” I chuckle and tell them the other half is at home. And the looks you get driving a giant van. I might as well be a movie star. The best response another lady told me to “your hands are full” is “full of good things”. Yes, my children are blessings. Blessings don’t mean you don’t have to work hard (something it seems many folks forget in today’s culture-‘myself included!). Congratulations on your newest addition!

  3. Denise says:

    I’m the oldest of 6 and the first four of us are about 18 months apart. People always looked at my parents like they were crazy. When, four years after #4, numbers 5 and 6 came along another 18 months apart we always got they “:gasp: are they ALL yours??!!” Don’t know how my parents were always so gracious but we wouldn’t trade our big, crazy, IRISH CATHOLIC life for anything 😉

    Rock on, mama, rock on.

    Love from a first-time reader and happy, blessed mama to a 14-month old terrorist 🙂

  4. Katie says:

    Oh Fancy Nancy!! Always great with words!! This is SO true!! Its crazy how judgemental ppl can be! Its your life and it doesnt matter what other ppl think!! Congrats again on sweet Dominic!! Love you friend keep blogging i love to check up on you!!

  5. I hear you, and have been there (eight children including twins-and not Catholic, but believe children are a blessing). Just answer gently and graciously with a smile. The standard comment of ‘being busy’ I answer with a ‘in the best possible way’ and smile. It’s comments like ‘haven’t you got a TV’ in front of young children which are a little harder to answer….

  6. Melissa says:

    As a fellow mom of three kids all under the age of 6, this post made me laugh…a lot!

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