
Cross Stitch Bride and Groom #1

  1. Jana says:

    My friends are getting married in April.
    Would you be willing to create a bride groom? What is your fee?

  2. Michael Trofimov says:

    Hello Nancy,

    I and my fiance are getting married in May and we wanted to cross stitch a picture of us just how you do. We dont know how to generate a pattern so that the two little people would look like us… Could you give us any advise please?

  3. Kathy says:

    I love your work! Can you tell me the finished size of the cross stitch bride and groom #1?

  4. Stephanie says:

    Hi Nancy, like the majority of the comments so far, I’m curious as to how you created the bouquet. Most of the french knot tutorials I’ve seen result in very small looking knots or “flowers”. How did you get your flowers to look bigger? Did you use more than 2 or 3 threads and/or wrap the thread around the needle more than twice? Thanks so much for your insight. It’s a lovely cross-stitch!


    • In order to get bigger knots you need to use 2 or 3 threads and wrap the thread around the needle a few more times. Experiment with this a few times and be warned that the bigger your try to make a french knot the less perfect it will look. Happy stitching!

  5. Jeruel Caagoy says:

    Hello Nancy, your work is amazing. My best friends are getting married this May and I tried making one for them. I did a few changes in the design and got stuck in the final touches. My worry right now is in making those little flowers. Could you please tell me how to make them? Your response will really be appreciated.

  6. A Cancer Survivor's Gift and Card for my Brother - Do Small Things with Love says:

    […] last week I wrote about my older sister Ruth and her husband, and today I am onto writing about my little brother, John, and the Gift and […]

  7. Ruth Lanoue says:

    Thanks Nancy for the kind words. It is amazing that it has been 11years. I would have to say they have been the best 11yrs of my life so far. Such a cute project. Thanks and hope to see you soon.

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