
Framed Satin Stitch

  1. […] Framed Satin Stitch from Do Small Things with Love […]

  2. emily says:

    Beautiful!!! Embroidery with a modern twist…love it.

  3. […] cow project, check out this one.  Or, here are a few more projects that use statin stitch: here, here and […]

  4. […] I have shared about statin stitch a few times here on the blog.  Check out this post, and this and this.  If you can’t tell I really like satin stitch.  It is easy, quick, and allows you to […]

  5. […] I once again used statin stitch (something I have used in one form or another in this project, this project and this project).  The project is really very simple and after stitching it up I turned it into a […]

  6. G. B. Miller says:

    What a great idea!! Perfect for sitting in my recliner in the evenings – while “tolerating” whatever hubby chooses to watch on TV. 🙂

  7. Elise@growcreative says:

    This is so pretty! I’ve just started picking up embroidery again, so this caught my eye.

  8. megan says:

    Such a great idea! I never would’ve thought to frame it!

  9. Amy says:

    Oooh, pretty! Saw this on Looksi!

  10. the cape on the corner says:

    love that!

  11. Krista Low says:

    I love hand embroidery! This is such a fun piece 🙂 I would love for you to link it up on Thursday @ Great Idea Thursday’s! http://ahandfulofeverything.blogspot.com Krista

  12. Paula Miller says:

    Love the colors!!

  13. Navy Wifey Peters @ USS Crafty says:

    Pretty and unique!!!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  14. Brenda Dwyer says:

    This is so pretty…and simple. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Susan@Organized31 says:

    How gorgeous! I’ve been engrossed with crochet lately. I’m going to have to dig out my floss and copy your great idea. I’m all for gorgeous quick projects.

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