J1ST 013: Marriages: Need for Theology and Practical

  1. Jennifer says:

    This was very interesting and well done, Nancy. I have found that in my marriage the biggest struggle we’ve had is with my pride. I balance my pride with self loathing — I had always tried to earn my parents’ love, which never worked. But learning to trust my husband, trust his counsel and his perspective, has been really healing. I know I don’t have to be the smartest/best/hardest working every minute of the day to earn his love because he gives it to me freely.

    • So beautiful! It sounds like you are married to a wonderful man and that through your marriage God is really teaching you how he loves: no conditions, no limitation. I just love this…and if you ever want to come on the podcast and talk about this very thing, please let me know!!!!!

  2. Carie says:

    I came to your website because of a craft. I ended up listening to your podcast about marriage. I enjoyed it very much – very thought provoking. Thank you.

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