Once again your love of the saints, your friendship, and your support have blown me away.
So many of you not only raved about the new 33 Catholic Saints in Cross Stitch I send out into the world last week but actually bought them.
How fun is that? (PS–they are available for $3 for just one more day!)
And, if you are like me, you headed right to the craft store to get thread and Aida cloth!
I can’t wait to see your little creations.
Thank you to all who have already shared pictures. It really makes my day!
Keep them coming.
Today I wanted to share a few ideas for using these saint patterns. Full disclosure, both of these ideas are from my readers, not me.
People are always emailing with ideas and many of them are so good I just have to either make them a reality for my own family or share them with the world.
And so, here are two brilliant ideas for using these Cross Stitch Saint Patterns in fun, meaningful and educational ways:
Below is a picture of what I am currently working on for my own family.
I can’t tell you how in love with this I am.
Our family has some powerful intercessors and I want to celebrate that.
Plus, once this is done I plan to frame it and hang it prominently in our home.
Already the kids are looking at it and asking why St. Andrew has an X-shaped cross behind him or why St. Josephine is wearing chains.
It has provided our little family with an easy way to teach about these important saints.
If you’d like to put together your own little Patron Saint Sampler, feel free to use the “Pray For Us” chart below.
There are 3 different font options for you. Use what you like or adapt it into something you like even better.
If you would prefer to have me whip up a pattern for you with wording and your saints on one neat PDF, just leave a comment or shoot me an email ( and we’ll work something out.
A reader just sent me this idea and I LOVE it.
She is stitching up each saint I’ve created, arranged by feast day.
I think this idea would be extra cool for Homeschooling households.
Each month you can take out the new Cross Stitch Saint calendar.
It will help the family be even more aware of all the Holy men and women of our faith.
Because I do plan on doing this for myself I spent an evening looking up all of the saints’ feast days and plugged them into this neat little spreadsheet.
Aren’t those great ideas? Seriously, you guys are smart!
Keep sending me your ideas.
I love them and feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many clever, holy, creative women.
All the very best and God bless,
PS–in case you’ve missed it, here are links to all of the Catholic Saints in Cross Stitch. Click the picture to get the patterns
Do you still have the Old Testament patterns for sale? I would love to purchase the pattern! 🙂
Hi! I love the saints cross stitch and would love to have one made for my family that I can go and have framed. Is that possible? Do you make them on order or do you only sell the patterns? I do not know how to cross stitch.
I only sell the patterns, I’m sorry! But, learning to cross stitch is super easy 😉
I saw the pray for us lay out you did and am working on that for our children now! How close is each saint to eachother in your picture posted?? Love love love the saints cross stich !!! Thanks so much for creating it!
I left 4 stitches between each saint, but eyeball it and see if that looks right for you.
And I guess I should clarify…trying to find a hoop pretty for display 🙂
Hi Shannon! So, the embroidery hoop in the pictures is actually a cheap plastic one, intended for stitching, not for display. The picture must make it look nicer than it is! I usually use a standard wooden hoop to display my finished pieces, but I plan to get this one framed because of the shape of it.
Hope that helps,
It does help! I may need to just frame mine as well 🙂 originally I was hoping to find a wood oval hoop, but have not found a sturdy looking one .
I would love to see a picture of your finished project! I’m so curious which saints you are stitching!
I love all your patterns, I am so enjoying making them! I have a question though, I am making a saint sampler similar to the one in your example…where did you find the hoop? I am having trouble finding quality ones.
Thank you for sharing your gift with us! God bless!
I would love to put in a request for a St. Anastasia, I don’t think I saw one of her and that is my daughter’s name. I just bought your 33 saints and can’t wait to start trying some of them out as well as the rosary book patterns for felt and paper. You have an amazing gift!! Thank you for sharing with us!
She is on the list! Thank you so much and happy creating!
Awesome!! Can’t wait to see it!
Thank you so much for these! Today is my daughter’s birthday…just purchased your last set of these for her gift. She has been wanting to learn to sew and I thought this would be a great start! I know I missed the date…have a new little one slightly older than your baby…, but if you ever do any more saint patterns, we would love for you to do St. Joanna. (That is my daughter’s name and she would love to have it…and it wold complete your current saint set as she was friends with Mary Magdalen and Susanna and was believed to be the one to have buried the head of John the Baptist :)!
Wow! That worked out (almost) perfectly! I have never heard of St. Joanna. she is on the list. Thank you for taking the time to leave this little note. Totally made my day!