Sacred and Immaculate Heart Free Cross Stitch Patterns

  1. janine says:

    would love patterns of sacred hearts for my daughter please

  2. Kimberly Becker says:

    Please send me the free patterns. They are beautiful and look fairly easy for beginners to cross stitch.

  3. Maria Elena Salazar says:

    I would like a free copy of the pattern

  4. Sinéad says:

    Could you send me these patterns please?

    Thank you!

  5. Nancy Kreps says:

    Hi, please send the cross stitch patterns for sacred heart and immaculate heart. They are beautiful. Thank you!

  6. Lynne Kuczewski says:

    Please send me these heart patterns. 8bwas raised by the Sacred Hearts and and now with a PO arish of Sacred aHearts. The PO Astor would love these as a Christmas gift. It could be mailed, I’d gladly pay shipping. That would bey preference.butbif not possible email hopefully will be clear enough. Thank yiy

  7. Frances says:

    Would love to receive the cross stitch patterns. They are lovely.

  8. Anna Kelleher says:

    Hi, I was wondering if you could please mail me the patterns for the Scared Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My printer is not working. I would be glad to pay for it. My address is

    Anna M Kelleher
    277 Orange Street
    Springfield, MA 01108

  9. Becky says:

    This pattern is lovely!! Would you please send me a copy? I echo someone else’s request for the chaste heart of St Joseph too!


  10. Jill says:

    If these cross stitch patterns are still available, I’d love to have them!
    Thank you so much!

  11. Stephen says:

    Can you please send me the patterns for both the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Thank you and God bless

  12. Kim Becker says:

    If still available, please send the cross stitch patterns for the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.

  13. Michelle says:

    I’ve used this pattern before and loved it! But I also lost it. Could you please send it to me?!

  14. Gabriela Wollny says:

    Could you please send me the patterns for both Sacret Hearts?
    Thank you soo much

  15. Rose says:

    May I please have the cross stitch patterns?

  16. Pamela says:

    I would love the patterns for both the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Thanks so much! God Bless you.

  17. Kim says:

    Would you please send both patterns to me? Thanks!

  18. Jodie says:

    Hello, if the patterns are still available I would very much like a copy of both. They are lovely! I’ve been looking for a nice Sacred Heart image & your page popped up. How lovely it will be to have a hand made one. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  19. Martin says:

    Hello I am a Catholic youth from the Philippines I would like to have a copy of the cross stitch patterns of tye twin hearts which you have showed. Thank you

  20. Martin says:

    Can you send the cross stitch design to my inbox

  21. Ann says:

    I would like to stitch the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Please send them to me, if they are still available.

  22. Could you please send me the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart free cross stitch patterns for my girls? Thanks so much!

  23. Sarah says:

    You could send me the pattern.

  24. Beth Vyvlecka says:

    Please email me the patterns for the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Thank you!

  25. Michele Heinz says:

    Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!

  26. Shannon says:

    Love these! I second the request for St Joseph…I’ve been wanting a trip for my wall for SO long!!! Any chance we can make that happen??? Time to brush off the cross stitch skills!

  27. Maria says:

    what a lovely idea…so so so beautiful…do you think you could do another pattern for the chaste heart of St Joseph?

  28. Christine says:

    Love this! I am going to try to make these. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

  29. Sarah says:

    Hi Nancy,
    I am a recent Catholic convert and a cross stitcher so I LOVE these! Thanks so much for sharing!

  30. Emily Reiter says:

    Thank you, my kids will thank you.

  31. Emily Reiter says:

    Oh my gosh!!!! I just about freaked when I saw these cross stitch!!! LOVE them!!

    But the strawberries look so much more doable!! My 6, 4, 3, and 1 yr olds will and you.

    I forwarded this email to my local Catholic moms group.

  32. Vickie says:

    Wow. Thank-you for the beautiful patterns.

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