State Love: Beginner’s Embroidery Project

  1. Vishivanka says:

    Your Embroidery looks so colorful and beautiful. Good idea with countries shapes. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cara Cannon says:

    Perfect timing for this post! Appreciating the time and effort you put into your website and in-depth information you offer. Such a great embroidery project Worth sharing! Please do continue sharing updates! Thanks a lot!

  3. Iona I. Lim says:

    Wow! Very nice cloth. Where can i get this cloth? Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yes Nancy you are right, a best utilization of scrap. And thank you for sharing such information. I love the rainbow of colors and i’ll surely try this 🙂

  5. Sarina Haasken says:

    Hi! What cloth did you use for this and where can I find it? Thanks!

  6. Jill J says:

    Those are so cool! Can’t wait to try it out myself.

  7. Patti says:

    beautiful as starting samplers my grandmother taught me to embroidery on green silk and drawing my own butterfly.

  8. TrendiTex says:

    Hi Nancy,
    I love to do embroidery. Your rainbow design is really beautiful.

  9. Sue Ryan says:

    Love the MN. I think I can handle this for my kids. Thank you!

  10. Deanna says:

    Love this idea, but the fact that I live in Kentucky makes this a very intimidating project!

  11. Pilar says:

    Hi, how did you deal with the back? Thanx.

  12. Cheryl Frye Abruzzino says:

    I am going to try this for my home state, Virginia…however, I would like to do each county as it’s own block/thread color.

  13. Gillian says:

    Such a great idea! Can’t wait to try this. Thanks so much for sharing!


  14. Cate says:

    This is so pretty! I’ve been thinking I need to show some Missouri pride since I have moved out of my home state, and I love this project for that. Nicely done, and a great tutorial!

  15. Marianne myrick says:

    What a great new project – I love the look.

  16. Kara says:

    So awesome, Nancy!

  17. ChiWei says:

    You amaze me Nancy! All your embroidery pieces are so gorgeous!

  18. This is so stunning, Nancy, and I’ve been really wanting to try my hand at embroidery…so you caught my attention with the word “beginner” in the title. Definitely pinning so I can try this one out!

  19. Dianna L. says:

    I still have yet to make one of these. I love them! Maybe this summer after I finish my cross stitch and see what colors of embroidery thread I have left over.

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