Hi Friends! Happy Feast Day of Fatima (if you’re checking this out Sunday evening). October 13th, 1917 is “The Day the Sun Danced.” It’s a great day to pray the rosary! Speaking of roses… It’s October and we’d be remiss if we didn’t share about one of our favorite saints – St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, marriage, Podcast, Prayer, Saints, Uncategorized

October 13, 2019

J1ST 091: St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower

Hi Friends! Happy October! You probably know that October is considered the month of the Holy Rosary, but do you know why?  If you’re listening the evening this episode goes live, it’s the eve of Our Lady of Victory’s feast day, also known as Our Lady of the Rosary!  This feast day was established during […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, Family, MAry, Motherhood, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary, Saints

October 6, 2019

J1ST 090: Miracles of the Rosary

Hey Listeners! Welcome back and Happy New Week to you! What’s your favorite Marian Apparition? Is it Lourdes or Guadalupe or Fatima? (both ours are one of those so don’t feel bad for being ‘predictable’) This week we are exploring some lesser know apparitions. Ones you didn’t hear about in Catholic School.  Ones Nancy and […]

Catholic, Faith, MAry, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary, Saints

September 29, 2019

J1ST 089: Our Lady of Where?

Hi, friends! This week we’re diving into Natural Family Planning or NFP.  What is NFP, you may be wondering?  NFP is any method of observing your monthly fertility signs. And using them to plan when to “renew your vows” with your husband. Fertility Awareness is not just for deciding when to try for a baby […]

Catholic, Family, marriage, Motherhood, NFP, Podcast

September 22, 2019

J1ST 088: NFP/Natural Family Planning