
I am a compulsive list maker. Compulsive. Each morning–and then a few more times before the end of the day–I make a to-do list the old school way, with a pen on actual paper.   I put everything on these lists, including “make bed” and “take a shower”. Because, yes, I am the type of […]

Adult Projects, Motherhood

September 8, 2016

The Power of Writing It Down

Hi friends! Today I’m starting something new–I’m sharing a COLORING PAGE FOR CATHOLIC MOMS. Many women have written to me voicing their struggles in finding time for themselves, time to be creative, and time to pray.   I don’t have the answer, but I am dying to help!   So, I’ve decided to draw up […]

Adult Projects

September 4, 2016

Coloring Page for Catholic Moms

The bathroom door clicked shut behind me, and I was alone.   The nurses were finally allowing me to shower four hours after delivering little Josie.   My legs were a little wobbly, my mid-section looked and felt like silly putty, but with the hot water pounding down on me, I started to process all […]

Catholic, marriage, Motherhood

August 14, 2016

Our Fertility Stories

It’s been a while since I wrote about motherhood around these parts. And it’s not for lack of ideas or time spent thinking about it.   The new-baby-days bring on all sorts of possible discussion points for mothers.   And I’ve thought about turning several of these into blog posts, but I just haven’t. Mostly […]

Adult Projects, Baby, embroidery

July 26, 2016

On Welcoming a New Baby