Why Should You Pray the Rosary Daily

  1. […] Why you should Pray the Holy Rosary Daily […]

  2. […] We may experience calmness, inner peace, relaxation, and a sense of connection to God when we consistently pray the Rosary, since it is a prayer from the heart. It is a form of contemplation when we enter a time of stillness and open our hearts to God. We get to reflect on our failings and blessings in this life, and it helps us open our eyes with concern for the world. This reflection may offer peace of mind and prevent the stress, anxiety, and sorrow of overthinking. Praying the Rosary also gives us a pause from our fast-paced society, and a break from digital media and the negativity around us. We get to be in a deeper state of mind by meditating on the Rosary as we get to slow down and feel the presence of God through it. Hence, if you feel overwhelmed with what’s going on in your academic, extra-curricular, or social life, try praying the Rosary and reflecting on yourself and God.  […]

  3. Rajaiah Ellandula says:

    Dear Sister

    Praise the lord.

    You well explained about Rosary.

    I need to know more about Rosary prayer and it’s importance. If we pray what will happen in our life.
    Please help me and send books if possible.

    Thanks and best regards.

  4. This article is really great! 😊 Would it be ok to print it out to hand out to my 2nd and 3rd grade students and keep for my children?


    I have liked every information here and I have also been encouraged to recite my Rosary daily

  6. Joe Caudill says:

    Thank you! I am beginning conversion and find praying the Rosary has become very important. Just the Hail Mary is calming. Thank you for your wonderful explanation.

  7. Albert Brecken says:

    Too many people pray for God for a “miracle”; when I was stricken with cancer I avoided praying to God to “cure” me; I simply asked God for the will to accept with equanimity whatever happened to me, no matter how bad. Now I have been (with God’s help ? ) cancer-free for eight years.

  8. Rosary Rani says:

    Yes the Rosary was my mom’s favourite prayer. and mine too

  9. Richard Hinrichs says:

    Thank you so much for the inspiration to pray the Rosary. I need Jesus and Mary to get through this life so I can go home to heaven. When I pray the Rosary I feel so great! You have explained the purpose of the Rosary that I didn’t know. I grew up in the Lutheran church and when I got married my wife was Catholic so I joined the church. I wanted to raise out children in the same church together. I didn’t know much about the Rosary then. When I prayed it I thought it would please Jesus that I was honoring his mother. My Mom and Dad are gone know and I miss them so much. I loved my mom so much and I am a sinner so I just can’t imagine how much Jesus love his mother because He was perfect. It must have been so terrible for Mary to see Jesus on the cross So I want to tell her thank you for raising Jesus for all of us and how grateful I am. I hope that I can tell her someday.
    Thank you
    Richard Hinrichs




    • Angeline Shirley- you can pray the Rosary anywhere and at anytime! 😊 In fact, you can say it even if you dont have the beads. Some people just use their fingers to count the prayers. Although it’s better to use a blessed Rosary if you can. St. Paul said we should pray all the time. St Padre Pio said many Rosaries throughout the day, as did other saints.

  11. Adele says:

    Just when I felt that I was giving up on prayer and the sacraments, the Holy Spirit is speaking through you to call back lost sheep. Such simple ways in which we can integrate prayer into my daily life. It has inspired a new perspective in the way I pray the rosary.💝🙏🏼

  12. Ken says:

    I grew up Catholic but I’ve never prayed a rosary. I truly know nothing about it other than alot of our fathers and alot of hail Marys.
    I’ve been wanting to come back to Christ and figure out how to get closer to God. I’ve been wanting to try the rosary but knowing myself, I’m pretty sure that I’d get bored with all the mindless repetition of the 100 or whatever hail Marys and our fathers. Thus causing my mind to wander toward whatever. I’m sorry to say this but that’s what my mind does.
    Is there some kind of short cut where I just spew off something like 7 hail Marys and 7 our fathers or something.

  13. Ginnie says:

    I have a prayer book which says that only the sorrowful mysteries should be said during lent. Is that correct?

  14. Damien Valentino says:

    Hello, would you consider gifting me the “Rosary Prayers and Reflection” book?

    I can’t afford it…not with my present financial situation.

  15. Alice Kenyariri says:

    Thank you for giving guidance on how to recite the rosary when one is too tired

  16. Irene Mendoza says:

    I’m very glad to have come across the reasons for praying the rosary, I have shared this website with others who I feel will also try to pray the rosary daily.

  17. Thank you for promoting and encouraging me and my family to pray the rosary.

  18. I am indeed happy that the Rosary Prayer is being inculcated to be prayed by every Catholic. The focus of it is Jesus and His Mother. May the meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary bring the Catholic faithful closer to Jesus through His Virgin Mother Mary. The mysteries of the Rosary are based on the Life of Jesus. Every bit of the Rosary Prayer has its basis in the Bible and in the tradition of the Catholic Faithful. May we obtain many more miracles through the Rosary Prayer… from Jesus through His Immaculate Mother.
    The Saints had a special love for the Rosary Prayer. May we become saints with the help of Our Blessed Mother through Meditation on the Life of Jesus in the Rosary Prayer.

  19. Mariza zara-nguyen says:

    I really enjoy my rosary recutations

  20. Gertrude Midzi says:

    Lovely i really like the way all things are explained. Thank you and may the good Lord bless you abundantly for sharing such information.

  21. Julius Inyhensiko says:

    Thanks alot for this ministry. May mother Mary intercede you for all your needs

  22. Teresa says:

    I would love to have a Rosary book for 8 dollars. I say the 7 joys rosary which ends up being 70 Hail Marys and 2 extra for her age when she was raised body and soul into Heaven

  23. Rose OBrien says:

    Hi Nancy,
    My name is Rose Michele Misiti OBrien. My father Nicholas Misiti has advancing dementia and I nor my sisters or brother could care for him in our homes. With his advanced decline of mental capabilites he held his rosary close to him and would often ask for me, Rose, his first daughter to find his rosary for him……….I have made a cognitive and spiritual connection to the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, where my mother is buried. She loved Jesus and her children amazingly.
    Now it is my certainty that God is calling me, to live a faith filled life more actively through praying the Rosary. I pray I have the fortitude and daily dedication to pray the Rosary without distraction or tempatation. But with Love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

  24. Yano Govender says:

    Feel so inspired to know the importance of saying the rosemary I believe in the power of the rosary

  25. Penny Russell says:

    Is it ok for non catholics to pray the rosary

    • Vincent says:

      Yes very okay. After all, Mary is the mother of all Christians not just Catholics. This is a biblical truth. Cf. Revelation 12:17

  26. jeff westcott says:

    i recently began praying all 4 mysteries of the ROSARY…….i cannot really say that I feel protected, but I must admit, good luck seems to follow me now….people are more friendly to me and my sometimes hostile attitude toward people is slowly disappearing….

    which makes me wonder,……am i praying the rosary to receive some kind of good luck or blessing from Mary through Jesus??? I really dont know…..

  27. Luz Rivera says:

    I love reading and getting educated on the rosary
    And praying.

  28. Michael Barbolla says:

    I have a catholic friend who says he doesn’t know why we say the Rosary at wakes. Now I know what to say if he asks again.

  29. Isaiah Cardinal says:

    Thanks for the write up.It is very helpful.I will the Rosary book.. in Biafraland West Africa.

  30. Golde says:

    Thank you

  31. Encarnacion Borromeou says:

    If you can donate 30 pieces of rosaries to give to each member of our Basic Ecclesial Communities. We develop the habit to pray the rosary daily.. Our day is incomplete without saying the rosary.. God bless..

  32. Godwin says:

    The is lovely and I will start saying my rosary

  33. Mary Duke says:

    I appreciate this information. I do this already and this gives me a good explanation to others “why” do I pray the rosary. So glad I found this on Pintrest. I have given up on major media since they are publishing secular garbage.

    Have a blessed day. God bless you.

  34. lewis muriithi says:

    very heipful

  35. Jose L. says:

    I agree with all the “we need…” above. Indeed we need prayers, it is the only thing that connects us to God just like God connects to us through the bible. Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing this post.

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