Ready to have your mind blown? Okay, here it is: About six months ago I realized something… Catholic Sprouts is not a ministry for children. We are a ministry for parents. 💥Right?! Confused? Okay, let me explain. Even though we say we are a “daily podcast for Catholic kids” and everything we create is meant […]

books, Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, Family, teaching the faith

June 29, 2020

Catholic Sprouts: Ministry for Parents

a ministry for parents

The Virtues for Catholic Youth Study is live!  To grab your copy CLICK HERE For all the details on this incredible Virtues Study, designed for children ages 9-15, please read the rest of this email. I have a special sneak peek for you!!! But first, when I offer a new product I like to give […]

books, Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, Family, parenting, Saints, teaching the faith

June 23, 2020

The Virtues for Catholic Youth: LOOK INSIDE!

catholic books for families

Hey friend, Imagine something for me. How powerful it would be if a father sat down with his son for 10 minutes five times a week and discussed things like Purity, Mortification, Generosity, and Holiness.  Imagine the lessons that could be taught by a mother to her daughter if they spent an hour each Saturday sharing about Humility, Gratitude, Love, and Hope. Just imagine. […]

books, Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Family, parenting, Saints, teaching the faith

June 21, 2020

The Virtues for Catholic Youth

catholic books for kids

Hi Friends! Happy Feast Day of Fatima (if you’re checking this out Sunday evening). October 13th, 1917 is “The Day the Sun Danced.” It’s a great day to pray the rosary! Speaking of roses… It’s October and we’d be remiss if we didn’t share about one of our favorite saints – St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, marriage, Podcast, Prayer, Saints, Uncategorized

October 13, 2019

J1ST 091: St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower