
We are one week from Lent, so it’s time to start planning! I really love Lent… The opportunity to get back into those good habits I’ve lost track of and just dwell in the quiet a bit more. I also love being a part of a Catholic community during Lent because we are all in […]

Catholic, Faith, Lent, Podcast

February 7, 2018

J1ST 030: Lenten Resolutions

As you are likely aware, praying the Rosary requires reciting the Hail Mary 53 times, the Our Father 6 times, and various other prayers a number of times as well. On paper, the Rosary can seem…boring. Tedious. Perhaps you feel that way about the Rosary. But then why were so many very holy men and […]

Catholic, Faith, Rosary

February 7, 2018

3 Reasons Praying the Rosary is NOT Boring

I’m on a mission.  A mission to increase Marian’s devotion through the Rosary. The mission began with me. After making a Marian Devotion, I have committed to praying a daily Rosary, with this community as one of my intentions. Next, my family. The Rosary will be a central focus for us this Lent. And then, […]

Adult Projects, Catholic, Faith, faith projects, Family, marriage, Motherhood, Rosary

February 6, 2018

Rosary Booklet, On Sale Now

Growing up Catholic, I have always known about Mary.  But, if I’m going to be totally honest, I didn’t really know her. I had gathered lots of facts and admired her as I might admire anyone from history that had done remarkable things. And I enjoyed reading about her apparitions. I was perfectly willing to […]

Catholic, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Rosary

February 5, 2018

Mary is Real, and She Loves You